DCUO Reveals Wonderverse Key Art, Release Date and Interviews!

DCUO Reveals Wonderverse Key Art, Release Date and Interviews!

DCUO with CBR.com and Comicbook.com have come out with several exclusive news releases, with both sites having interesting interviews with Dimensional Ink’s Creative Director SJ “Nerd of Prey” Mueller and CEO Jack “Jackster” Emmert, of how the upcoming Episode came to be from ideas to characters involved. Also, CBR unveiled Episode 38: Wonderverse’s Key Art & release date!

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Upcoming in 2019: Bonus Daemohedron Weekend, Rewards Metal Part I and More!

Upcoming in 2019: Bonus Daemohedron Weekend, Rewards Metal Part I and More!

Alongside all the recent livestreams last week showcasing the new Time Capsule and Episodes, DC Universe Online has updated their announcement thread, listing out the future events and content that we should expect to see in the coming months! The new JLD rewards images can be seen exclusively in Episode 35: Metal Part I Livestream Preview Recap!

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Triple Daemohedrons Weekend and New JLD Rewards! Survival Mode End Date!

Triple Daemohedrons Weekend and New JLD Rewards! Survival Mode End Date!

Abra Kadabra Alakazam! This is the weekend to delve into the depths of Justice League Dark, because Daemohedron rewards are TRIPLED through Sunday. Also, NEW REWARDS! Daemohedrons are the currency found in Episode 34: Justice League Dark. These are primarily used for obtaining new gear and rewards from the Justice League Dark vendor. To find out more about all Currency in game see our Currency Guide!

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