Episode Spotlight: Metal Part I

Episode Spotlight: Metal Part I

For Bonus Week Thirteen, the bonuses are going to Episode 35: Metal Part I! Revisit this momentous occasion of when the Dark Knights of the Dark Multiverse first make contact with our universe, in this stunning episode for double the rewards at half the cost! Just as we guessed right as it was teased here! Also, a helpful DCUO Source Wall Pro-Tip!

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Open Episodes, Bonus Weeks, and More!

Open Episodes, Bonus Weeks, and More!

Official statement from DCUO: In the real world, the next few weeks are likely going to be difficult, perhaps scary, definitely isolating. Here at Dimensional Ink, we can't fundamentally change that - even with all the capes and cowls in the world - but we can do our small part.

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Metal Part I: Giant Metal Man-Bat!

Metal Part I: Giant Metal Man-Bat!

Metal Part I’s Metal Gotham City is getting a Halloween update! The Batman Who Laughs has released the Giant Metal Man-Bat onto the streets, and a strong team to will be required. Starting tomorrow (October 31, 2019), face your fears to earn new feats and rewards!

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Upcoming in 2019: Bonus Daemohedron Weekend, Rewards Metal Part I and More!

Upcoming in 2019: Bonus Daemohedron Weekend, Rewards Metal Part I and More!

Alongside all the recent livestreams last week showcasing the new Time Capsule and Episodes, DC Universe Online has updated their announcement thread, listing out the future events and content that we should expect to see in the coming months! The new JLD rewards images can be seen exclusively in Episode 35: Metal Part I Livestream Preview Recap!

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