Game Update 97 Roundup

Game Update 97 will be launching with Episode 35: Metal Part I on September 12th, 2019. Expect the downtime on that Thursday to be about 8 hours long. With Game Update 97 it will be bringing a lot of new Features and update on existing features. This article is to help folks understand whats coming with this Game Update.


Teen Titans: The Judas Contract Changes

Titans Creds to Source marks

Titan Creds, the Episode’s Currency, will be changing to Source Marks. Instead of it being an Automatic switch like it was during the Source marks . This time you’ll have to go to the Titans Vendor on Titan’s Island and manually exchange your Creds to Source Marks.



The Augment System launched with Teen Titans and this is the first we are seeing it now that the Episode Catalysts for the Adaptive Augments are now going to be sold on the Titans Vendor. Prices are in the image below.


Vendor Gear

Vendor Gear prices for Normal and Elite will be getting lowered similar to the previous Episode gear to reflect the standard cost for the older content.

Teen Titans Normal Vendor Gear Prices

Teen Titans Elite Vendor Gear Prices*

*Please Note: You still require the Renown from completing the Elite Raids from this Episode to buy the Elite Gear.


Catalyst Consolidation

Catalysts are being reduced from 21 to 3. The Catalyst Cache will be removed from John Constantine and anyone with them or any of the original 21 Catalysts will have to consume them and gain 10 Source Marks. These old Catalysts will not be used for Artifact Breakthroughs anymore. The 3 new catalysts will be sold individually by John Constantine.


New Ranks

New and final Ranks are coming for the Artifacts. Ranks 180 and Rank 200 will be added and Rank 200 offers a 4th Rank to the Buffs. Below are some of the Artifacts showing the Rank 200 Buffs. To see more be sure to head over to the Artifacts Guide Page to see the full list and final stats.

Dilustel Refractor Rank 200

Grimorium Verum Rank 200


Venom Wrist Dispenser and Gifts

Venom Wrist Dispenser is getting its stats lowered and as well as lower the Precision Buff %’s. With this drastic change to the VMD, the Devs will be offering 2 Gifts on September 12th when the game update launches.

Gift #1: Artifact Celebration Pack

All players will be able to claim the Artifact Celebration Pack if they log in during the two weeks after this update (date to be determined). Please enjoy this as a thank you for your support. This gift will include:

  • 1 regular Seal of Completion to guarantee success on your next breakthrough.

  • 1 set of catalysts with all that's needed to get to rank 80.

  • Peculiar Nth Metal (50,000 Artifact XP).

Gift #2: Venom Wrist Dispenser Boost

Players who have a Venom Wrist Dispenser at or above rank 80 will automatically have their artifact boosted to a higher rank.

  • If your Venom Wrist Dispenser is between rank 80 and 100, it will be boosted to rank 120.

  • If your Venom Wrist Dispenser is between rank 101 and 140, it will be boosted to rank 160.

  • If your Venom Wrist Dispenser is between rank 141 and 160, it will be boosted to rank 200 (maximum rank).

Right now its best to work on getting your Venom Wrist Dispenser to Rank 141 in order to get the Rank Boost to Max Rank 200.

Weapon Changes and More

Ever since the Stats Revamp years ago, the community has been wanting Weapons to get a proper balance pass and now thats finally here. The list of changes is EXHAUSTIVE and currently being Tested and tweaked even as I write this article. The Weapon Balance Pass is not the end of the road either. The Devs will be looking at the damage on Live Server over time as well and making adjustments where needed. The biggest note I can make is that the Weapon Master Combos are going to do more damage than the Normal Combos which is by design. Right now the PC Testers are going through the data right now with the newest changes and we shall see what the Weapons look like on September 12th.

Along with the weapon testing, the MORE highly requested Neo Venom Boost Supercharge Head Mod will be added to the Tactical Vendor inside everyone’s Lair System.


And finally, a NPC get a new model. Nightwing got a well deserved update for the game. Its nice to see continued upgrading to our Iconic characters.

Nightwing Pre GU97

Nightwing Post GU97

Game Update 97 and Episode 35: Metal Part I will be launching on Live Servers on September 12th, 2019 for all platforms. There will be the usual 8 hours, give or take, of downtime to patch the game and there will be numerous bug fixes that will be listed in the final Patch Notes.