Bonus Artifact XP Weekend: Sept 5th-Sept 8th


The Double Artifact XP Weekend will be starting this Thursday and last through Monday morning before the Morning Restarts. This is the time to use your Augmented Nth Metal (from the vault once a week) and any non-tradeable Nth Metal you may be keeping around.

This is also the last chance folks have to level up their Venom Wrist Dispensers to Rank 141 in order to get that free Rank Boost to Rank 200 with Game Update 97 launching on September 12th alongside Episode 35: Metal Part 1.

This is also the last chance to really utilize the Catalysts before their change next week in GU97. If you’re looking to make some money on the Broker, buy the Catalysts with your Source marks then sell either the Caches or the individual Catalysts on the Broker.

For more information about Artifacts, be sure to take a look at the Artifacts Guide here on the Sourcewall.