What to do in DCUO? *Updated for Ep33: Atlantis*

There's a lot to do in DCUO now with the addition to Episode content being Event Versions. It can seem a bit overwhelming where to start so hopefully this Guide will serve as a first step for players. It doesnt matter in what order you wish to run all of these but this is the list I follow when I login.

Seasonal/Special Events

Seasonal Events

Examples:  Love is in the Air (Valentine's Day), Tides of War (Summer), etc

Seasonals events don't reward Gear to help raise your Combat Rating but they do have Feats to help you get more Skill Points. Plus, they do have some cool base items and gear styles. These usually don't take long to run. Seasonals have 1 mission and a 4 player alert. These are optional to run if you don't care about Feats or Styles but they are a good time waster.

Special Events

Examples: Anti-Monitor (Anniversary)

Special Events give gear that helps towards your Combat Rating and consist of more story. They also have Feats to help with your Skill Points. They are their own limited time content returning every year. They have their own Mission HuB offering Daily and Weekly missions. They also have Event content in the On Duty Menu.


Death of Superman

DCUO released Death of Superman in celebration of Superman's 80th Anniversary. It is released as Permanent Content and gives Feats and Marks of Victory. It gives Tributes as it's main currency to buy Styles, Base Items and the Superman Emblem (which does expire after Dec 31st, 2018). This content can be an easy way to get Marks of Victory in order to purchase Tier Gear items and more.

The End Game version of the Doomsday Raid in the Tier 9 section is out of Relevancy at CR 262 meaning you wont be getting Marks of Victory but you will still get Tributes and the other rewards.


Episode Content

Now it's time for the newest content to be ran. The newest Episodes when released will have Event Versions for those players who are below the minimum Combat Rating. You'll also have access to running the Open World content too. For those who meet the Minimum or above Combat Rating you'll have the end game versions. You'll also want to check your Combat Rating and look at the CR Relevancy.

Episode 33: Atlantis

This is the newest Episode and the new End Game which the Entry Combat Rating is CR 241. There are Event versions for those below the Min Combat Rating and access to all players in the Open World area. You'll get the newest Currency, Rath Crowns, as rewards to buy Vendor Gear, Base Items and more. 

Episode 32: Teen Titans - The Judas Contract

Teen Titans’ Entry Combat Rating is CR 230 and will be out of Relevancy at CR 262. Once out of Relevancy, you wont be getting Marks of Victory but you will still get the Episode’s Currency (Titans Creds) and any other rewards that you would normally get from the Content. To play this you'll need to be either a Member or have purchased the Episode. Run it to get your Feats, Styles and anything you missed out on.

Episode 31: Deluge

Deluge’s Entry Combat Rating is CR 218 and will be out of Relevancy at CR250. Once out of Relevancy, you wont be getting Marks of Victory but you will still get the Episode’s Currency (Atlantean Crowns) and any other rewards that you would normally get from the Content. To play this you'll need to be either a Member or have purchased the Episode. Run it to get your Feats, Styles and anything you missed out on.


For those that are not in End Game yet, now is the time to go back into your specific Tier Content and run the Solos, Duos and all of it. Use the Gear you get from the Episode Event Content to help you increase your Combat Rating. Use your At Tier gear first and then use the Episode Unattuned Gear to replace the gear with the lowest Item Level. 

Thats it for this guide. It'll be updated with each passing Episode and always look out for more helpful guides here on the Sourcewall.