Steam Summer Sale & PlayStation Flash Sale!
/It's that time again, the heat's coming and so are those Summer Sales! As the degrees go up, let the prices go down! Steam & PlayStation have you covered with quite a few deals for DC Universe Online!
First up, a GREAT purchase for any new heroes or villains, all 33% OFF!
Episode Pack I - $15 US/$17 CDN -> $10.04 US/11.38 CDN
Episode Pack II - $15 US/$17 CDN -> $10.04 US/11.38 CDN
Episode Pack III - $40 US/$44 CDN -> $26.79 US/$29.47 CDN
Episode Pack IV - $40 US/$44 CDN -> $26.79 US/$29.47 CDN
Ultimate Edition (2016) - $80 US/$88.69 CDN -> $53.59 US/$59.42 CDN
Power Bundle (2016) - $35 US/$38.69 CDN -> $23.44 US/$25.92 CDN
Starter Pack by LexCorp (50% OFF!) - $8 US/$9 CDN -> $4 US/$4.50 CDN
Then the latest Episodes, not included in the Episode Packs for veteran heroes & villains, 25% OFF!
Episode 27: Amazon Fury Part III - $10 US/$11 CDN -> $7.50 US/$8.24 CDN
Episode 28: Age of Justice - $10 US/$11 CDN -> $7.50 US/$8.24 CDN
Episode 29: Riddled with Crime - $5 US/$5.70 CDN -> $ 3.74US/$4.26 CDN
Episode 30: Earth 3 - $10 US/$11.50 CDN -> $7.50 US/$8.61 CDN
Episode 31: Deluge - $5 US/$5.70 CDN -> $ 3.74US/$4.26 CDN
PlayStation 4 Players also have an exclusive sale, helpful for new characters, both 60% OFF!
Power Bundle (2017) - $35 US -> $14 US
Starter Pack by LexCorp - $8 -> $3.19 US
Be sure to get these offers while they last!