Open Episodes Extended, Upcoming Events and Content!
/DC Universe Online updated their list of Upcoming Events & Content once again, bringing back Bonus Week Twelve, and introducing Thirteen and Fourteen, and a new extension to Open Episodes!
For Bonus Week Twelve, the blanks match up perfectly for Bonus Lex Coins and New Rewards. Although it’s an early prediction, it does seem very possible! Bonus Week Thirteen and Fourteen, after checking the pattern of the blanks, Episode Spotlight Metal Part I and Episode Spotlight Metal Part II, as we wait for further letters to be added to confirm our predictions! Be sure to return to this article for updates as they come, just like our prior article which recorded the last set of Bonus Weeks given with hangman game hints! Concerning Open Episodes, it will now last throughout quarantine without a specific end date!
Also starting soon is Bonus Week Ten: Raid the Universe, along with Bonus Week Eleven: Legends PvE Extravaganza and Bonus Feats following it right after, which we originally deciphered here!
June 12th: R & S were added, only to the first week. It is currently unknown if the letters are now meant to be added only for the upcoming week now, but shows our guess for Bonus Week Twelve is accurate!
June 16th: N, L, E & T were all added today, along with R & S that were not included in the prior week’s update to Bonus Weeks Thirteen & Fourteen! This update seems to completely confirm our original guesses, above on the initial posting of this article!
June 18th: All Bonus Weeks revealed, confirming our guesses from day one! Also the addition of Episode 38: Wonderverse launching in August!