Tides of War Summer Seasonal and Upcoming Bonus Week Events!
/DC Universe Online updated both the Test Server with the Tides of War Summer Event and their list of Upcoming Events & Content! Now added to the Tides of War Seasonal Event, are 3 new feats: two 2 Star for completing the Hiker style set and collecting 15 2020 base items and 3 Star feat for activating any 1 Kite Trinket, with 4 new Hiker styles priced at 30 Sand Dollars each, 4 Kite trinkets priced at 50 Sand Dollars each, and 17 new base items: 1 priced at 20 Sand Dollars each, 16 at 10 each. The Tides of War Seasonal is planned to run on Live Servers from June 11th-July 15th, 2020! Also similarly to the Springtime Event, a large portion of vendor items, from all past styles, certain base pets, certain collections, and Beach Ball trinket. You can be sure to expect our Tides of War Seasonal 2020 Guide the moment it launches!
Announced alongside the Tides of War Seasonal, are Bonus Weeks Nine, Ten, Eleven and Twelve, all planned to take place consecutively after the other, with hints of the placements of the E’s in a hangman fill-in-the-blanks fashion for 3 of the weeks! Our best guesses were Exobyte or Episode and possibly Catalyst for Week Nine, and Legends Pve Extravaganza for Week Twelve, and seems like DCUO Forum members also were on the same track as we were! Mepps mentioned we might get another letter over time as well, and we’re waiting to further improve our guesses and odds of what’s coming next.
May 18th: S was now added, confirming Week Nine to be Episode, with the second word starting with S, putting Catalyst out of the running. It does further increase the likelihood of Legends Pve, however.
May 19th: T and N were added today, giving us a lot of insight on Week Nine possibly being an Episode Spotlight #37 either to showcase the story elements, or #38 for the next content we are to expect & CR Advance Discount. Week Ten has been entirety revealed, but is no longer an actual bonus week, but rather the start date for the Birds of Prey New Open World Boss with a possibility of drops and hopefully a few vendor rewards. Week Eleven is now Week Ten, needing a few more letters of the first word before we can decipher it but the last 2 seem to be “the Universe”. Week Twelve is also now Week Eleven, further confirming Legends Pve Extravaganza & Bonus Feats may be the 2nd part! Many players would hope this means we would get a single run count possibly 5x or 10x towards those extraneous feats of running certain characters up to a 1000 times, but we’re certain most would hope it would count 50x or 100x bonus in 1 run to get all of those feats finally done within that in 1 week.
May 20th: L and P were added today, confirming it would be an Episode Spotlight, with the last word having a capital L in the middle, but with the second letter being added, it was confirmed Bonus Week Nine: Episode Spotlight JLD & CR Advance Discount, and also now confirming Bonus Week Eleven: Legends PvE & Bonus Feats, while Bonus Week Ten is still up in the air for now.
May 22th: G was added, further confirming Bonus Week Eleven.
May 26th: H, B and U were added, solidifying Bonus Week Eleven. Birds of Prey: Calculator Bot released!
May 28th: I was added, giving us our first letter of the mystery word and all but confirming the universe is Bonus Week Ten.
May 29th: An email notice of the New Resurgence Mega Capsule and Calculator-Bot featured the next Bonus Week in it’s entirety, Bonus Week Ten: Raid the Universe. Also, the entire post has been updated, confirming Week Ten and Week Eleven to be as we had guessed!
Although the email states the bonus week event starts June 4th, the Event Details, which at first only redirect us to the Birds of Prey launch date announcement, but now to the New Bonus Event: Raid the Universe!
“...Waller will want you to revisit raids from the Amazon Fury trilogy for wonderful bonus rewards! Whether you are tackling these raids with fond nostalgia or for the first time, the queues will be popping all week!”
Given that Amazon Fury Part I (AFI) did not have any raid content, the following AF Raids will be the focus of next week:
AFII: Labyrinth of Lost Souls, Throne of the Dead, Hall of Hades
AFII: Olympus, God of Monsters
To earn new bonus rewards, Lex Coins for the Bird of Prey episode, and more, the focus on Amazon Fury trilogy content, but it remains to be seen until we get further details of what the new rewards are. You can be sure you will be notified as soon as we discover it! Also with there being focus on AF content, perhaps it may be a tease of a Wonder Woman tie-in Episode for Episode 38? We will just have to wait and see for now.

Source: Current and Upcoming Events and Content in DC Universe Online
Currently ongoing, Bonus Week Eight, just like we guessed from sometime back!
To keep track of all the Bonus Weeks, click here!