Game Update 99 - Raven!
/DCUO recently released Game Update 99 (GU99) which prepares the game for the Winter Seasonal Event, publish further server performance improvements, and a few bug fixes, such as naming conventions for Winter Seasonal Event 2017 base item names to be marked as League Hall items, League invites to timeout, Ice Power’s Ice Boulder to no longer break on friendly NPCs, Roleless and Event Buffs to be displayed, and updated Nightwing’s appearance in two prior missions. They also included:
Last, but certainly not least:
Raven: Daughter of Darkness #1
The updated model of Raven, reflecting her Rebirth appearance now in game, following suit of several other characters recently in the game's character model updates, including the mentors, Aquaman, Lois Lane, Mera, Ocean Master, Supergirl, and nearly all of the Titans, with Donna Troy set to have her new model released with Metal Part II, only a few Titans are left to receive an update!
Does this model update have anything to do directly linked to the story of Metal Part II, given that we received a Troia gear last Episode, and the Titans being bounties in Part I, and with them having a part in the storyline in the comics? It may be a bit early to say, but like mentioned above, GU99 prepares us for the Winter Seasonal Event, which can only mean that we’re not too far away from Metal Part II from hitting Test Server! Speaking of which, be sure not to miss out on the Triple Dark Metal Coins Weekend and New Rewards! The best way to prepare yourself for what will be coming from the Dark Multiverse in Metal Part II! Also, there was a possible Metal Part II Teaser: Dead Water, which may be a hint of things to come!
From Teen Titans Vol 6