Triple Rath Crowns Weekend & New Atlantis Rewards Extended!
/Even with the Anti-Monitor raging in Metropolis, don't forget Atlantis is still in chaos deep beneath the ocean. Rewards for adventuring within the kingdom will be TRIPLED this weekend! Gear suits to finish? Alts to advance? Collection to pick up? Whatever your goals, you're accomplishing some of them this weekend!
This weekend – from Thursday, January 17, 2019, EXTENDED through Monday, January 21, 2019 – all players will receive TRIPLE Rath Crowns from content in Atlantis, the most recent DLC. Rath Crowns are primarily used to unlock Episode 33 gear, vendor rewards, and now...
Six all-new items have been added to the episode vendor for Atlantis (Episode 33):
Golden Age Material: 200 Rath Crowns.
Constricting Eels (Accessory): 150 Rath Crowns.
King of the Seas' Grips (Hand Style): 100 Rath Crowns.
King of the Seas' Boots (Feet Style): 100 Rath Crowns.
King of the Seas' Belt (Waist Style): 100 Rath Crowns.
Atlantean Uplink Device (Orbital Strike Trinket): 50 Rath Crowns.
PLEASE NOTE: The bonus weekend begins this Thursday with daily server restarts, and will last through Monday to daily server restarts on Tuesday morning. The new vendor items are permanent additions to the game.
Golden Age Material
Constricting Eels Aura
King of the Seas’ Grips, Belt & Boots
Atlantean Uplink Device (Orbital Strike Trinket)