Attack of the Anti Monitor (2019 Anniversary Event) Guide
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The Anti-Monitor returns to take over our universe bringing Shadow Demons and Qwardians. We’re plunged into the future in order to stop the invasion.
Qwardian Crown, Event Currency used to purchase items from the Vendor
Qwa-Bomb, Deals 5% damage to the current health of your target and nearby enemies. This effect is increased to 40% if the targets are Qwardian, Shadow Demons, or Anti-Matter Shards. Note: Boss rank enemies are immune.
Shield yourself and your group members from the effects of Qwardian Exobyte Interference Devices and the Crowd Control capabilities of the Anti-Monitor for a short time.
A Cache that allows you to choose one of the following Artifacts:
- Scrap of the Soul Cloak
- Legionnaire’s Sparring AI
- Parasite’s Power Harness
Use the Warp Menu to travel to the Anniversary: Watchtower or Hall of Doom to access the Terminal to receive the Intro Mission, Monitoring the Situation. This mission is a one time complete and only available to players who have not done it before.
Hero Missions
Monitoring the Situation (Level 10) - Intro Mission
Intro Message from Oracle: Hey. Happy New Year— there’s a crisis developing in Metropolis. I’m not sure what’s going on… and that’s what worries me the most. Head to the Watchtower where I’ve uploaded what little intel I have.
Interact with the terminal in the Watchtower to engage the Teleporter that will take you to the Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone
Fix Communications Uplink so Oracle can bypass the Anti-Matter interference in Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone
Complete any of the daily or weekly missions in the Metropolis Anti-Matter invasion Zone
Queue up in the On Duty tab and complete the Centennial Collapse Event
Cash: $4850
Qwardian Crowns: x5
Exobyte Interference Shield: x3
Qwa-Bomb: x6
Centennial Collapse Event: Base Item Box
Centennial Collapse Event - Artifacts Cache
Rest in Pieces (Level 10) - Daily Mission (Located in the Hall of Doom beside Teleporter)
Defeat Qwardians sent by the Anti-Monitor and collect Anti-Matter Residue
Collect 15 Anti-Matter Residue
Cash: $485
Qwardian Crowns: x1
Exobyte Interference Shield: x1
Qwa-Bomb: x2
What’s the Anti-Matter? (Level 10) - Daily Mission (Located in the Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone)
Prevent Qwardians from Converting x4 Civilians into Anti-Mater
Use Reverse Anti-Matter Device to Revert x6 Civilians from Anti-Matter
Cash: $485
Qwardian Crowns: x1
Exobyte Interference Shield: x1
Qwa-Bomb: x2
Exobytes Gone Awry (Level 10) - Daily Mission (Located in the Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone)
Defeat x4 Qwardian Operators to remove shields around the Exobyte Interference Devices, then destroy the devices
Cash: $485
Qwardian Crowns: x1
Exobyte Interference Shield: x1
Qwa-Bomb: x2
Science Spire Blitz (Level 10) - Daily Mission (Located in the Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone)
Defeat x4 patrolling Qwardian Officers around the Science Spire
Take x4 Anti-Matter Technology from Qwardians at the Science Spire
Cash: $485
Qwardian Crowns: x1
Exobyte Interference Shield: x1
Qwa-Bomb: x2
A World Past hope and Fear (Level 10) - Daily Mission (Located in the Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone)
Enter the Strange Portal and Find out where it leads
Investigate whats happening in Earth 3’s Panopticon
Clear room of Shadow Demons
Defeat Qwardian General
Free Alexander Luthor
Exit Panopticon
Cash: $485
Qwardian Crowns: x2
Centennial Collapse Event: Loot Cache
- Selection of a Piece of Gear
- Exobyte Interference Shield: x1
- Qwa-Bomb: x2
- Random Base Item
Map Location
The Console has the Mission
STORY SPOILER: This mission is from the aftermath of Episode 30, Earth 3.
Villain Missions
Monitoring the Situation (Level 10)
Intro Message from Calculator: There’s something weird going on in Metropolis but I don’t know what it is… This is unacceptable on a multitude of levels. Head to a terminal in the Hall of Doom and I’ll give you the info that I do have.
Interact with the terminal in the Hall of Doom to engage the Teleporter that will take you to the Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone
Fix Communications Uplink so Calculator can bypass the Anti-Matter interference in Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone
Complete any of the daily or weekly missions in the Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone
Queue up in the On Duty tab and complete the Centennial Collapse Event
Cash: $4850
Qwardian Crowns: x5
Exobyte Interference Shield: x3
Qwa-Bomb: x6
Centennial Collapse Event: Base Item Box
Centennial Collapse Event - Artifacts Cache
Rest in Pieces (Level 10) - Daily Mission (Located in the Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone)
Defeat Qwardians sent by the Anti-Monitor and collect Anti-Matter Residue
Collect x15 Anti-Matter Residue
Cash: $485
Qwardian Crowns: x1
Exobyte Interference Shield: x1
Qwa-Bomb: x2
What’s the Anti-Matter? (Level 10) - Daily Mission (Located in the Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone)
Prevent Qwardians from Converting x4 Civilians into Anti-Mater
Use Reverse Anti-Matter Device to Revert x6 Civilians from Anti-Matter
Cash: $485
Qwardian Crowns: x1
Exobyte Interference Shield: x1
Qwa-Bomb: x2
Exobytes Gone Awry (Level 10) - Daily Mission (Located in the Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone)
Defeat x4 Qwardian Operators to remove shields around the Exobyte Interference Devices, then destroy the devices
Cash: $485
Qwardian Crowns: x1
Exobyte Interference Shield: x1
Qwa-Bomb: x2
Science Spire Blitz (Level 10) - Daily Mission (Located in the Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone)
Defeat x4 patrolling Qwardian Officers around the Science Spire
Take x4 Anti-Matter Technology from Qwardians at the Science Spire
Cash: $485
Qwardian Crowns: x1
Exobyte Interference Shield: x1
Qwa-Bomb: x2
A World Past hope and Fear (Level 10) - Daily Mission (Located in the Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone)
Enter the Strange Portal and Find out where it leads
Investigate whats happening in Earth 3’s Panopticon
Clear room of Shadow Demons
Defeat Qwardian General
Free Alexander Luthor
Exit Panopticon
Cash: $485
Qwardian Crowns: x2
Centennial Collapse Event: Loot Cache
- Selection of a Piece of Gear
- Exobyte Interference Shield: x1
- Qwa-Bomb: x2
- Random Base Item
Map Location
The Console has the Mission
STORY SPOILER: This mission is from the aftermath of Episode 30, Earth 3.
Purge the Merge (Level 10) - Weekly Mission (Located in the Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone)
Either stop x4 Shadow Demon Archons from forming, or defeat them once they’ve formed
Cash: $4850
Qwardian Crowns: x8
Centennial Collapse Event: Large Loot Cache
Intro Mission - 5 Crowns
Dailies: 6 Crowns Total
Exobytes Gone Awry - 1 Crown
What's the Anti-Matter - 1 Crown
Science Spire Blitz - 1 Crown
Rest in Pieces - 1 Crown
A World Past hope and Fear - 2 Crowns
Weekly: 26 Crowns (28 Crowns if Particle Powered Feat)
Purge the Merge - 8 Crowns
Raid Event - 18 Crowns (20 Crowns if Particle Powered Feat)
Weekly Total: 68 Crowns (70 Crowns if Particle Powered Feat)
Add 5 Crowns to the Total if its your first time doing the Intro Mission
For the Feats:
Crown Prince Styles - 160 Qwardian Crowns / 68 Qwardian Crowns = ~2 Weeks, 2 Days
25 Base Items* - 25 x 6 Qwardian Crowns (150) / 68 Qwardian Crowns = ~ 2 Weeks, 1 Day
*This is calculated without buying the Breakthrough Window Base Items since both at 15 QCs Each.
25 Base Items w/ Breakthrough Windows -
23 x 6 Qwardian Crowns (138) + 2 x 15 Qwardian Crowns (30) = 168 / 68 Qwardian Crowns = ~ 2 Weeks, 2 Days
Centennial Collapse (Weekly Reset)
This Raid has a number of Timer based Feats which requires the use of the Qwa-Bombs also tests the DPS ability of Players. The First Timer for Phase one doesn’t start until the frist Enemy is hit.
Phase One - Anti-Matter Shards
You’ll need to destroy 9 Anti-Matter Shards that will randomly spawn around the map. They will be surrounded by Enemies including a higher level enemy. Its best to use Qwa-Bombs to burn the Shards and they will burn the Adds as well.
Phase 2 - Anti-Monitor Round One
Once the Shards are all down, the Anti-Monitor will be targetable. Burn him down to about 40% and then he will shield himself and begin the next phase.
Phase 3 - The Shadow Demons
Anti-Monitor will summon the Shadow Demons. Players will need to destroy 20 Shadow Demons stopping 10 of them from reaching the Anti-Monitor. If 10 of them reach him, he will do a mass AoE to the group dealing heavy damage and knock back. The entire raid needs to make sure its spread out and use Qwa-Bombs on the Shadow Demons to turn them around and burn them down.
Phase 4 - Anti-Monitor Round 2
After the Shadow Demons, the shield will drop once again for the final push and burn Anti-Monitor down to finish the raid.
Loot Window:
- Selection of 2 Pieces of Gear
- Mark of Victory
- Random Base Item
- Random Teleporter Mod
Qwardian Crowns: x18
Qwardian Crowns: x2 Crowns (if Particle Powered Feat)
Exobyte Interference Shield: x1
Qwa-Bomb: x2
1-2 Random Collection Pieces
Cash: $4850
Vendor Items
Qwardian Crowns are the Currency needed to purchase vendor Items.
Crown Prince Styles (Based off of Future Joker) | Total Cost: 160 Qwardian Crowns
Future Jester Goggles
Future Jester Shoulders
Future Jester Shirt
Future Jester Bazooka
Future Jester Gloves
Future Jester Belt
Future Jester Pants
Future Jester Boots
20 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
20 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
20 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
20 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
20 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
20 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
20 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
20 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
Base Items
59 Base Items | Total Cost: 372 Qwardian Crowns
Crashed Helicopter - Ceiling
Crashed Helicopter - Floor
Crashed Helicopter - Wall
Breakthrough Window
Breakthrough Window - Large
Rotted Wood Wall
Rotted Wood Floor
Rotted Wood Ceiling
Building Debris - Floor
Building Debris - Standing Floor
Building Debris - Flat Floor
Building Debris - Standing Edge
Building Debris - Wall
Jagged Debris - Floor
Jagged Debris - Ceiling
Jagged Debris - Flat Floor
Jagged Debris - Standing Floor
Jagged Debris - Wall
Crumbling Debris - Flat Floor
Crumbling Debris - Standing Floor
Tavern Sign
Bar Sign
Coffee Sign
Credit Union
Electronics Sign
Hotel SIgn
Ice Cream Cone Sign
Ice Cream Sign
Lounge Sign
Nora’s Sign
Open Sign
Service Center Sign
Souvenirs Sign
Dirt Pile - Medium
Dirt Pile - Large
Broken Pillar - Ceiling
Broken Pillar - Floor
Broken Pillar - Wall
Asphalt Piece - Flat Floor
Asphalt Piece - Standing Floor
Asphalt Chunk - Flat Floor
Asphalt Chunk - Standing Floor
Rubble Pile - Large
Rubble Pile - Small
Scattered Rubble - Varied
Scattered Rubble - Chunks
Scattered Paper Pile
Scattered Paper Strip
Dented Trash Can
Exposed Wood Ceiling
Exposed Wood Floor
Exposed Wood Wall
Exposed Beam Ceiling
Exposed Beam Floor
Exposed Beam Wall
Broken Ceiling
Broken Floor
Broken Wall
Discarded Cardboard Boxes
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
15 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
15 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
6 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
How to Shrink Friends and Influence People
Headline - Psychic Starfish Invades Central City
Brainiac Drone Pet
Anti Up - Collection
The Journey - Collection
Battle Pet
100 Qwardian Crown
25 Qwardian Crown
100 Qwardian Crown, $250 Cash
The Collections are dropped when you complete the Centennial Collapse Event Raid Instance.
Anti Up Collection -
Reward: The Bubble Aura; the title, the Anti-Matter Aura
Implant Control Nodes
Brain Wave Amplifier
Shiny AI Canister
Green Skin Cream
Spare Robot Parts
Skull Ship Replica
Time Travel Dummies
Collection of Bottles
Conductive Material
Bio-Cyber Interface
Discarded Plans for Brainiac Vista
How to Shrink Friends and Influence People (Sold on Vendor)
The Journey Collection -
Reward: 5 Marks of Victory; Title, the Harbinger
Headline - Brainiac’s Avatar of Magic Defeated
Headline - Felix Faust Attempts an Apocalypse
Headline - Riot on Stryker’s Island
Headline - Civil War of Themyscira
Headline - Granny Goodness Abducts Heroes
Headline - Ultimate Soldier Defeated
Headline - War of the Light Finally Ends
Headline - Lex Luther the Hero - Is it the Hair?
Headline - House of Atlan Overthrown
Headline - Doomsday Returns, Superman Dies
Headline - No Jewels Safe in Metropolis
Headline - Psychic Starfish Invades Central City (Sold on Vendor)