The New Open World area is inspired by Washington D.C. The Hub for Heroes and Villains is the Halls of Justice. The New Currency for the episode are Justice Tokens.
Solace of Sea - Effects have been reduced to improve gameplay and visuals
Old Solace of the Sea
New Solace of the Sea
Circle of Protection has had its radius increased by double, to better match Solace of the Seas
Old Circle of Protection
New Circle of Protection
Ep 38: Wonderverse
Episode 38 (Wonderverse) Open World has been updated so the 4 World Event Bosses no longer need to be defeated in order for the Rampaging Hydra to spawn.
Episode 38 has been migrated to the Early End Game Omnibus queue and removed from the Current End Game Omnibus queue.
Episode 38 Open World God Ring enemies have been reduced from Raid level NPCs down to Group level NPCs.