On Duty Quick Play.png

Quick Play UI

On Duty Ready Up.png

Quick Play Ready Up UI

Content has been restructured and streamlined. With this restructuring, they have removed the Combat Relevancy so all content can be played and they have made all content accessible. DCUO will no longer sale Episodes. Lets breakdown how the content will look and be played now!


Quick Play

On Duty Save the Universe.png

Save the Universe

Upscaled content for the Save the Universe event can be queued in this section. You can select the specific content you want to do, and the Difficulty (Event being the normal version of the content, Normal being the upscaled version and Elite being significantly more difficult version with greater rewards. Then hit Start Queue to enter that content and receive a Reward of a Grain of Time and a Reward Gear Box. Full details here.

On Duty Latest Episodes.png

Latest Episodes

The 3 latest Episodes can be queued in this section. Hit Start Queue, to enter into all the content for that Episode and by doing so receive a Reward of the Episode Currency and a Reward Gear Box. The Episode Currency is tied to the Content you are queuing into.

When new Episodes release, the oldest of the Latest Episodes will move to the Omnibus and give Source Marks as their reward Currency.

On Duty Omnibus.png

The Omnibus

The Omnibus brings us all content to play and no loot locks for content older than the 3 most current Episodes. There are no more On Duty Instances players can run 1-30, and no longer waiting for CR 40 for Raids. Its now all unlocked at Level 30. Older Content is now Stat Clamped based on the Tier you are running if your Combat Rating is Higher than its Max threshold.

The Omnibus Selection will queue you into Solos, Duos, Alerts, and Raids and you will receive a Bonus Reward of a Source Mark and a Reward Gear Box when you complete it. If you wish you queue into Specific Content, you’ll want to use the Custom Play.

On Duty Custom Play.png

Custom Play

For Players who want to Queue into specific Content, the Custom Play option will change over to the Old UI of the On Duty Menu.

Below is the new Content Restructure for the Tiers. With Old Content now being Stat Clamped, these have been merged and given new Entry Combat Ratings.

Tier 1 Content

Tier 1 Content is the introduction to the On Duty Menu. Requires Combat Rating is 30+ to run the Content. Players below Combat Rating 60 or above Combat Rating 83 will be stat clamped.

1 Player - Solo


2 Player - Duo

4 Player - Alert

8 Player - Raid


Tier 2 Content

Tier 2 Content on the On Duty Menu. Requires Combat Rating is 60+ to run the Content. Players below Combat Rating 88 or above Combat Rating 113 will be stat clamped.

1 Player - Solo


2 Player - Duo

4 Player - Alert

8 Player - Raid


Tier 3 Content

Tier 3 Content on the On Duty Menu. Requires Combat Rating is 100+ to run the Content. Players below Combat Rating 120 or above Combat Rating 148 will be stat clamped.

1 Player - Solo

2 Player - Duo

4 Player - Alert

8 Player - Raid


Tier 4 Content

Tier 4 Content on the On Duty Menu. Requires Combat Rating is 150+ to run the Content. Players below Combat Rating 174 or above Combat Rating 204 will be stat clamped.

1 Player - Solo

2 Player - Duo

4 Player - Alert

8 Player - Raid


Tier 5 Content

Tier 5 Content on the On Duty Menu. Requires Combat Rating is 210+ to run the Content. Players below Combat Rating 238 or above Combat Rating 268 will be stat clamped.

1 Player - Solo

2 Player - Duo

4 Player - Alert

8 Player - Raid


Tier 6 Content

Tier 6 Content on the On Duty Menu is the current Content and is not Stat Clamped. It currently consists of the following Episodes:

Episode 38: Wonderverse: Requires Combat Rating 299
Episode 39: Long Live the Legion: Requires Combat Rating 310
Episode 40: World of Flashpoint: Requires Combat Rating 322

1 Player - Solo

2 Player - Duo

4 Player - Alert

8 Player - Raid